Documents Archive


For more information concerning the Temple High Athletic Booster, please email or follow us on Facebook at Temple High Athletic Booster Club and on Twitter or Instagram at THABC_Tigers.

Temple High Athletic Booster Club ByLaws and Directives
The THABC is organized and operates under the club's ByLaws and Directives approved by the general membership.

Bylaws - Temple High Athletic Booster Club (effective 5/9/2024)
Memorandum of Understanding in Non-Discretionary Funding Directive (effective 5/9/2024)

Temple High Athletic Booster Club Treasurer's Reports
The THABC Treasurer provides monthly reports detailing the financial status of the booster club. Financial reports are provided during both the Executive Committee and General meetings throughout the membership year.

THABC 2024-2025 Membership Year Financial Reports

THABC 2024-2025 Membership Year Budget Reports

THABC 2023-2024 Membership Year Financial Reports

THABC 2023-2024 Membership Year Budget Reports

Temple High Athletic Booster Club Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
The THABC Executive Committee holds monthly meetings for the purpose of executing ongoing club business, discussiong upcoming club initiatives and events, and reviewing and maintaining club financials on behalf of THABC club membership.

THABC 2024-2025 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

THABC 2023-2024 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

Temple High Athletic Booster Club General Meeting Minutes
The THABC holds general meetings three times per membership year for the purpose of informatin and holding discussions with all THABC members about the ongoing club business, prividing status of club initiatives, and holding votes on non-budgeted expenditure requests submitted by the various Temple High School athletic programs.

THABC 2024-2025 General Meeting Minutes

THABC 2023-2024 General Meeting Minutes